
Friday, March 1, 2013

Walk the Talk

Well this movie basically made me think to myself, Do I show these? Am I being someone who walk's the talk? Soon after I debated to myself it made me think about how I wanted to be characterized by those traits. It will make you feel good about yourself and what not. All anyone has to do is believe in Choosing the Right. It will allow you to be happy but you need to Choose your own right, your own happiness.

Student Success Statement: Albert A. Montapert

Student Success Statement
“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.”
~Albert A. Montapert
Reflection: Well basically all Albert Montapert meant was when you choose to do wrong you have to expect the penalties. When you do something wrong in a sports game you will be charged with it. When you do something really wrong your consequences will just keep getting worse. Nobody ever can escape them it is like that old man who was charged with murder 50 years later because he slipped up.

How to Take on College Studying: Part 3

How to Take on College Studying
Part 3
Do the Reading
You need to do more than just read the chapters you are assigned —you’re expected to understand them thoroughly. Here are some tips:
·      Don’t skim. Read all the material carefully.
·      Break up difficult assignments into sections you can digest – chapters, subsections or even paragraphs.
·      Look up any words that you don’t understand.
·      Pause to think about whether you understand the material; ask questions in class about anything that is unclear.
·      Take notes instead of highlighting – this makes you think through and rephrase key points.
·      Create a summary sheet of what you learned from each assignment you read.


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Student Success Statement: Sophocles, Greek dramatist

Student Success Statement
“Success is dependent on effort.”
-Sophocles, Greek dramatist
Reflection: Well Sophocles just meant that how much work you put into something that’s what you’ll get back. When you try your best on something the results will always be good when you don’t try the results will be bad. You need to make sure you try and put work into whatever you do. It will create a sort of psychological pattern that will ultimately make you happy. Hearing how good you do no matter what will put you in a pattern of happiness, it allows you to make sure you try your best on everything not just one or two things. Once you start to put less and less effort well for instance your grades will slip, your character traits will start to deplete making you not want to try and do anything making your life well at a standstill. Always do what is required and do your best it will make you happy, and on the road to success.

How to Take on College Studying: (Part 2)

How to Take on College Studying
Part 2
Choose Where to Study
Where you should study depends on two factors: the environment in which you are best able to concentrate and type of work you are planning to do.
·      The best places to study have a good light, a comfortable temperature and enough desk space – usually your dorm room, your apartment or the library.
·      For completing problem sets or brainstorming possible test questions, you may want to study with a group or at least in a setting where fellow students are available for discussion.
·      When you are reading book chapters or working on a research paper, you are probably better off in a less social environment.
Improve Your Study Habits
Here are simple steps you can take to help you get a handle on studying:
·      Have a routine for where and when you study.
·      Choose reasonable and specific goals that you can accomplish for each study session.
·      Do things that are harder to require more intense thought at your most productive time of the day.
·      Take breaks if you need them do you don’t waste time looking at material but not absorbing it.
·      Get to know students whom you respect and can study with or contact to ask questions.
·      Keep up with the workload and seek help when you need it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jenna Huff

Jenna Huff, who was she you ask? She is an inspiration, a good leader, perhaps one of the greats. Well she got the Extreme "Sportsmanship" award from the U.S. Olympic Committee. She was a runner and during a race a competitor had an injury so Jenna decided to run with her to the finish line pushing her to succeed and even pass her so she will accomplish it. It was a story of how people make sure to help out and choose the right, to go out of there way and help someone else.

How to Take on College Studying: Part 1

How to Take on College Studying
Part 1
Develop Good Habits
In college, you’ll need to build on study skills that you learned in high school. The demands of a college class are probably more rigorous than those you are used to.                                                                      You can succeed by knowing what to expect and how to handle it. Think of a college as a full-time job, in which you spend 40 hours a week on class, labs, study groups and doing homework.
Being organized and using your time well are essential. Learn more about time management, and use the guidelines below to develop your study skills.
Decide When to Study
Work out about how many hours you need to study every day. Then make a schedule.
·      Figure out what blocks of time you have available throughout the day, in the evenings and on weekends.
·      Consider what time of day you are most alert – there are morning people and night owls – and try to schedule your studying accordingly.
·      Think about whether you do better studying for a few hours at a time or sitting down for marathon sessions.


Perseverance does

  1. Homework: When you persevere to do your homework you will pass the class.
  2. Team you might play on: Well when you get on a team persevere to do your best there is no way you won't have fun and might be good at it?
  3. Instrument you might play: Perseverance allows you to gain a new skill. Playing an instrument may be something you really enjoy.
  4. Tasks at home: If you persevere to finish all tasks at home you will be better prepared for real life when you get your own home.
  5. Physical Exercise: Perseverance towards your physical appearance and to be healthy will not only make you happy but you'll feel good too. 
  6. School Work: Persevere to do your work and you won't have as much homework so you can pass the class and achieve greatness.
  7. Volunteer Group: When you volunteer you are choosing to help others out, in doing so you are persevering so they are able to have a better future. 
A time I persevered would be when I join a sport or anything. I try to do the best, to be the best, to have fun and help everyone. Whenever I do something I will persevere to be the best, and do my best.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Student Success Statement: Alex Linares

Student Success Statement
“Choosing the right is always the right thing to do.”
Alex Linares
Reflection: Well all Mr. Linares is depicting is that you need to make sure what you do is always right, and it comes from within that it is truly right. You need to make sure that when you know its right that it is right everywhere not just with you. Your right may not be someone else’s but you can correspond and commend it if it is. You need to know what the difference is or you will never know if what you do is right. You may think you are doing right but in reality you can be doing something wrong. Prioritize, save lives, choose the right. Nothing else will be accepted.

10 Time Management Tips for Students: 5-10

10 Time Management Tips for Students
Tips 5-10
Tip 5. Review Your Notes Every Day.
Reviewing helps you reinforce what you’ve learned, so you need less time to study before a test. You’ll also be ready if you get called on in class or have to take a pop quiz.
Tip 6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep.
Your brain needs rest to perform at its peak. Lack of sleep makes the day seem longer and your tasks seem more difficult.
Tip 7. Communicate Your Schedule to Others.
If phone calls or text messages are proving to be a distraction, tell your friends that you are only available at certain times of day and not to expect a response at other times.
Tip 8. Become a Taskmaster.
Give yourself a time budget and plan your activities accordingly. Figure out how much free time you have each week before you add any commitments.
Tip 9. Don’t Waste Time Agonizing.
Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just do it. Wasting an entire evening worrying about something that you’re supposed to be doing is not productive, and can increase your stress.
Tip 10. Determine Your Priorities.
You can’t do everything at once. Establish the importance of each item. Then set realistic goals that are attainable.


The importance of keeping your school clean would be to make sure everyone has a happy environment and how can you b happy if there is filth everywhere? When you keep your school clean it shows that you want to help you want to make your school a better place. It allows you to have fun and make it better for more generations to come. To make the school cleaner I would tell people to not litter, and listen to myself and do the same. I will not litter around \ on \ anywhere on campus. I would like to keep the school clean to show all the amazing things we do.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.”
Reflection: Well what I believe this quote to mean is when you hang out with the wrong people you will start developing bad habits, but being alone is just as bad you can develop chronic depression, manic obsessive habits to get away from the loneliness. In retrospect you cannot be in bad company or alone you need to realize that you need to gain some ‘good’ friends. A person who both makes you happy and has a future ahead of them not corrupted, to stop all, hopes of becoming someone.

10 Time Management Tips for Students: 1-4

10 Time Management Tips for Students
Tips 1-4
Organizing Your Life
Managing your time well is an important element of success – especially if you’re a student. If you set priorities that fit your needs and lifestyle, you’ll have a better chance of achieving your goals. Here are some tips for taking control of your time and organizing your life.
Tip 1. Make a To-Do list Every Day.
Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. And don’t forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.
Tip 2. Use Spare Minutes Wisely.
When you’re commuting on the bus or train use the time to get some reading done.
Tip 3. It’s Okay to Say No.
If your friend asks you to go to a movie on Thursday night and you have an exam the next morning, realize that it’s okay to say no. Keep your short- and long- term priorities in mind.
Tip 4. Find the Right Time.
You’ll work more efficiently if you figure out when you do your best work. For example, if your brain handles math better in the afternoon, don’t wait to do it until late at night.