
Friday, October 26, 2012

Be Wise-Never Use Drugs or Alcohol

Be Wise-Never Use Drugs or Alcohol

Drugs and Alcohol are bad, no matter how you look at it; they disturb the normal health patter than someone will have. Drugs and alcohol are a gateway to Choosing the Wrong. They show that you have bad judgment; you need to choose the right and stay as far away from drugs as you can. Drugs are bad they make your life horrible, they make people do bad things, and can ruin lives. When you are on drugs, you may feel on top of the world but what happens when that stops? Anyone on drugs needs to stop. Alcohol is a drug, it is addictive, and ruins lives. You need to stay away from all drugs and whatnot. They can make your life horrible with the elements they contain. That “high” so to speak slowly kills your life it makes you feel horrible the day after. It slowly kills brain cells, causes cancer, liver; it may and will start with everything. Once you mess with your brain that’s when everything turns into a downward spiral. There are many things you need to do in order to sober up, but why would you put your body through that type of stress in the first place, it is unnecessary and in no way helps a person. You need to stay off drugs, be clean even if it’s not cool. Be yourself without drugs because that isn’t you that is someone else. DO you own thing, choose your own path but ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT!! Be a good person and show the world how much you can do, don’t corrupt it with problems, help solve them. Be a leader, show your skills in whatever you do. Be a good Samaritan and most importantly be yourself, make smart choices!



When you start drugs or alcohol, your body will be like this box, ruined and crumpled!












Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students: Part 11

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 11

Whether studying or in general life, planning is an imperative skill. Here, we must strictly set the hours for studying, and should promote regularity in doing so. Don’t put off your studies to the last moment (just before the test), because in that moment you will be feeling stress and pressure, and both factors will prove disturbing for your learning; that’s the high price of procrastination. During the exam, it’s important to forget about panic and stress. And if you are planning for your thesis, you may find this post useful. Other planning tip I frequently give is that, when you are assigned a homework, try to solve it as quickly as possible, several days before the required date, but don’t try to complete it perfectly and don’t submit it immediately. I always recommend doing homework early, but deliver it at the last possible day.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students: Part 10

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 10

·      They prefer tasks with some degree of difficulty and novelty, which stimulate their learning skills.

·      They don’t apply the simple criteria of success-fail to their learning. Remember, they are focused into the learning process.

·      They know how to handle groups.

·      Finally, they work with passion.


Other chief habit is that of asking questions. We have to establish hypothesis and set concrete, realistic goals. After reading any text we have to ask several different questions related to its content, in order to verify if we have completely understood the text. It’s also important to try to relate such text and other areas of knowledge. Again, linking ideas and concepts is a habit of highly successful students. So link.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students: Part 9

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 9

·      They concentrate on the process of solving the task and understanding the involved ideas. Of course we are interested in getting food results, but the process is more important. A result is a very brief moment of life, while learning to develop processes is a skill that will last for the whole life.

·      They interpret and analyze errors as a way of increasing their learning, i.e., they try to learn from their mistakes. This way, they see errors and failures as opportunities.

·      They look for the required information in several channels (books, journals, newspapers, experts, Internet, and so on.)

·      They consult experts and teachers frequently. This action provides a new perspective about the studied topics.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students: Part 7

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 7

·      Everyone wants to be successful in life, but where are the keys to success? Do we have to go out and search for those keys, or do we have those potentials already within ourselves? When we begin to examine life, we can see that it is divided into two aspects -- life within and life without; internal life and external life -- and we can see that these aspects of equal importance. Even if we have renounced the world, gone far away from civilization, and live in the wilderness doing nothing but meditation, we cannot ignore external life. We still have to see that we eat, do our ablutions, and perform our practices on time. So life in the external world is as important as life in the internal world.



Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students: Part 6

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students
Part 6
If you prefer to play videogames, then remember that making any game requires to prepare a detailed script including history, characters, goals and relations. Therefore, you could start writing down the script for your “dream” game. On the other side, you could imagine how the novel you are reading could be transformed into a videogame (start out by thinking which gaming genre fits the novel better: role-playing, adventure, action, and so on.) The basic idea is to find match points and links between our affections and our chores. And such links there always exist. Remember, to link ideas and concepts are the most important habit for successful students.
Successful students also exhibit other particular traits we should internalize:
·They are always trying to discover better approaches in order to accomplish their tasks (adequate studying place, availability of resources, etc.) You may find my post on Pristine Home with Feng Shui useful for improving your studying environment.
Choose The Right!!!