
Friday, April 5, 2013

Student Success Statement:Ralph Waldo Emerson

Student Success Statement
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Reflection: All Mr. Emerson is trying to say is that when you lie to yourself it is the worst thing you can do. If you are someone who is insecure and doubts themselves you lying about something else means nothing. You are lying to yourself, you need to have confidence in what you do and be sure about it. You need to become someone people are proud of, yes everyone makes mistakes and lies but when you lie to yourself you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy to do nothing in your life. Don’t lie to yourself.

Distance Education: Is Virtual Classroom for you? Part 2

Distance Education: Is Virtual Classroom for you?
Part 2
Positive Aspects of Distance Education
·      Independence and time management: Taking courses online lets you hone your ability to work on your own. You also gain experience in managing your time efficiently.
·      A flexible schedule: Schools can only provide a certain number of class periods in a single school day, and there may not be enough time for you to take everything you want. Because distance education lets you take classes outside regular school hours, it gives you the flexibility to explore all your areas of interest.
·      Advanced and specialized classes: Some schools can’t provide advanced or specialized classes. Distance education gives you the chance to gain experience in areas that would otherwise remain out of reach.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Alex Schwazer
Well he was an Olympic race walker and I can’t stand the fact that after he was caught he still managed to be a bad person and not even feel guilty for doing it. He was an Olympian, a “role model” for kids everywhere, someone trustworthy and reliable but what did he do? He deceived everyone and used illegal substances to win. It’s immeasurable of how much disappointment and shame he brought upon himself. He needs to grow up and learn that doing drugs to win, or in general is not okay. You need to be an honorable and respectable person and do what is right to succeed not cheat your way to succeed, what does that say about you?

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom for You? Part 1

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom for You?
Part 1
You may want to take a class that your high school doesn’t offer. Under some circumstances, you can still enroll in the class –       through distance learning.                                                            Distance education means taking a class without being physically present where it is being taught. Internet-based technology lets students participate in lectures and class sessions online from almost anywhere.                                                                                            Some high schools agree to recognize distance-learning credits when they don’t have the resources to offer a course themselves. Distance education is often used to increase options in rural areas and for AP® courses.                                                                                                 For you, it might mean doing self-tutorial at home in the evening, or participating in a class that is 1,000 miles away, along with other high school students. Check with your school counselor to see what’s available.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Student Success Statement: Rosa Parks

Student Success Statement
“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”
Rosa Parks
Reflection: Basically what Ms. Parks is saying is when you know what you are doing is right you shouldn’t care or worry about how others perceive it. You’re doing what’s right and shouldn’t worry about what they thing. When you are doing something right all you should feel is joy and happiness because that’s what you should feel. It is an accomplishment to be someone to lead by example and to do what’s right.

Balancing High School and Part-Time Work: Part 5

Balancing High School and Part-Time Work
Part 5
Additional Tips
Although working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. These tips can help you handle the situation and make the most of your time:
·      Discuss your plans with your family. Balancing the demands of school and work is easier with their support.
·      Start slowly; don’t commit to working a lot of hours immediately.
·      Avoid time conflicts by planning your class and work schedules as far ahead of time as possible.
·      Use your time efficiently. You can use 10 minutes of waiting in a line to go over a few pages of assigned reading. If your job has a lot of downtime and your boss has no objection, you can use slow periods to do schoolwork.
·      If you continue to your job on public transportation, bring your schoolwork with you so you can work along the way.
·      Be flexible and willing to make sacrifices. You may have to cut down on some other things you’d like to do because of your school and work commitments.
·      If you have too much on your plate, admit it. Then cut back as needed.
·      Schedule relaxation time. Everyone needs some downtime to stay happy and healthy.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CTW: Olympic Cheater

CTW: Olympic Cheater
Well this story was about Marion Jones an Olympic athlete who was famed and took pride in being an Olympian. After she won a medal at the Olympics it was thought she cheated after reviewing tests she was stripped of her medals, she was caught cheating. Red handed and yet she still denied it, how could she possibly do that? Not because she was a bad person, but yet she wanted to win so bad she would take extreme measures instead of just training and getting better herself she turned to drugs. Choosing the wrong at its prime.

Balancing High School and Part-time Work: Part 4

Balancing High School and Part-time Work
Part 4
He reminds students that “the activities and courses students choose vary considerably, so it’s important for young people to keep their individual situations clearly in mind.” MacGowan continues, “For example, student actors should allow for the fact that they won’t have as much time during performance seasons. Student athletes need to remember the times of the year that they’ll be tied up with games and practices. Other students who are in classes that make considerable demands outside of the classroom must keep that reality in mind.”