


  1. Get all A's for final report card.
  2. Join a sport
  3. Make new friends
  4. Study more and more
  5. Make sure I all A's for every report card.
  6. Get a scholarship
  7. Go to college of choice
  8. Become a psychologist
  9. Go to a tattooing school
  10. Become a tattooer.
  11. Live a successful life where I can tattoo and be a psychologist
  12. Don't almost die in some sort of spontaneous way setting off a chain reaction like in Final Destination.
1)         Get all A’s for Final Report Card:
a)                        I will do all my work for each class.
b)                       Finish all homework assigned.
c)                        Do extra credit if necessary.
2)         Join a Sport:
a)                        Work out 3 times a week, cardio
b)                       Run every morning
c)                        Eat healthier
3)          Make New Friends:
a)                        Start to hang out with new people
b)                       Begin to try and be more social
c)                        Join a sport or club
4)         Study more and more:
a)                        Keep a journal
b)                       Make time to study
5)         Make sure I get all A’s for every Report Card:
a)                        Do everything to get A’s for final report card
6)         Get a Scholarship:
a)                        Find out all opportunities to get a scholarship
b)                        Make sure I get A’s for final report cards
c)                        Join one sport
d)                       Have community service
7)         Go to College of choice:
a)                        Get scholarship and yeah that’s it.
8)         Become a psychologist:
a)                        Major in psychology
b)                       Take an apprenticeship
9)         Go to a tattooing school:
a)                      look up days to sign up and complete forms to sign up.
10)                         Become a tattoo engineer:
a)                        get my license for it
b)                       Start and enjoy J
11)                         Live a successful life where I can tattoo and be a psychologist
a)                        just enjoy !
12)                         Don't almost die in some sort of spontaneous way setting off a chain reaction like in Final Destination.
a)                        I don’t know how to stop that.

My Mission Statement
My purpose is to express my Integrity to stand up for what I believe in, Tolerance and Acceptance of Ideas and such and Openness to be open minded by always staying true to what I say, by always allowing someone to be themselves around me because everyone is special and by letting other people talk and I'll listen to what they have to say to pass my classes in school, learn a new instrument (guitar), learn a new art skill (watercolor) and obtain at least $2,500,000.00 by 4/26/2014.

Progress Report (9/24/13)
Reflection: Well I did get straight A's for my final report card, didn't die spontaneously. I still need to join a sport, the new friends is good because I made friends with people in my classes.

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