
Friday, April 26, 2013

Student Success Statement: Ayn Rand

Student Success Statement:
“There is no justification ever for choosing any part of what you know to be evil.”
Ayn Rand
Reflection: Well Mrs. Rand has a point when you know it is wrong why would you do it? You need to make sure what you’re doing is right no matter the circumstances even if you believe it’s “right”. Don’t make a bad choice based on bad judgement. Believe in things that are right and that are worth believing in. Become who you are with the right things not the wrong thins or what will you become? Discover things based on what you know it to be right, become someone amazing.

Reading 5 Tips for Success Tip 5

5 Tips for Success
Tip 5
Tip 5: Keep a List of Questions
When you feel confused about something you’re reading, write down any questions you have. Sometimes your questions are answered as you read further. If not, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember, teachers create assignments; they’ve read the texts and are familiar with them. When you have specific questions, your teachers can provide answers that will help you better understand the material. Learning is rooted in questions developed and asked by the learner.
Asking questions to yourself, to the teacher and to others, is a great learning method. When you cease to ask questions, you cease to exist to a great extent. Read actively by silently asking questions as you read. Questioning immerses you into the material you are reading and therefore you will expand your mental capacities more than almost anything else.
The philosopher Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Improving your reading comprehension is the key to gaining important knowledge and making the most of your education. So pick up a book … and a pen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Student Success Statement: John Wooden

Student Success Statement
“When I was teaching basketball, I urged my players to try their hardest to improve on that very day, to make practice a masterpiece. This rule is even more important in life than basketball. You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better. Only then will you be able to approach being the best you can be. It begins by trying to make each day count and knowing you can never make up for a lost day.”
John Wooden
Reflection: Well Mr. Wooden has a point you need to be able to do your best on everything to make it count. You have to do what is right and choose what is right. When you are right you are right. Always do your best never less because you are amazing in every way if you just aim for it. Aim high because that’s where you ought to be. Make a name for yourself become a good role model and aim high.

Reading 5 tips for success: Tips 3-4

5 tips for success
Tips 3-4
Tip 3: Do Research
Literary critics have written vast numbers of analytical and critical pieces on countless books. If you’re having trouble understanding a popular text, do some research and see what knowledgeable sources have to say about it. In addition to increasing your comprehension, you’ll also be showing initiative, something teachers always like to see. Always use legitimate and scholarly sources, not condensed study guides.
Tip 4: Use a Dictionary
Make sure you have access to a dictionary when you’re reading. You can often figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word by using context clues, but sometimes you can’t. Rather than simply skipping over the words you don’t know, take the time to look them up. The results are well worth the effort. Your comprehension will increase greatly, and you’ll build your vocabulary at the same time.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Student Success Statement: Mario Cuomo (52nd governor of NY)

Student Success Statement
“Every time I’ve done something that doesn’t feel right, it’s ended up not being right.”
Mario Cuomo (52nd governor of NY)
Reflection: Mr. Cuomo has a point what is wrong isn’t going to feel right because you are so used to doing what is right but how do you know what right is when all you know is bad? How can you distinguish what is right vs. what is wrong? How can there be a signal of commodity where you know what is what. Just be true to yourself and everything else will fall into place.

Reading: 5 Tips for Success

5 Tips for Success
Reading and writing go hand in hand. The better you understand a text, the more likely you are to successfully communicate your thoughts about it in writing. So it’s important to develop strong skills in both areas. With that in mind, here’s how to improve your reading comprehension.
Tips 1-2
Tip 1: Annotate
Be an active reader. Instead of passively reading a text, take notes about important story elements, key factual information and significant ideas in the text.
Tip 2: Note the Author’s Writing Style
Every author writes with a purpose, using deliberate methods to successfully relate specific information to the audience. When you’re reading, look for patterns in the authors writing. For example, you may notice a repetition of key words, phrases or symbols –– or the use of a distinct type of sentence structure. Authors employ theses writing strategies to help readers comprehend a central argument or theme, so be sure to explore how these techniques create meaning.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Student Success Statement:John Wooden

Student Success Statement
“The Three Don’ts”
Don’t: Whine, Complain, Make Excuses.
John Wooden
Reflection: Well Mr. Wooden makes a valid argument because it takes hard work and dedication to be good at anything. You don’t have to do any of these things but you do need to make sure you’re on track with studies. Don’t become someone you’re not proud, learn a little about the three don’ts.

5 Tips for Staying Motivated: Tips 3-5

5 Tips for Staying Motivated
Tips 3-5
3. Set Attainable Goals
If you’re having trouble writing a 25-page paper for class because it seems like such a big job, don’t focus on that final number. Break the paper down and consider each section of your paper individually. You can handle any project in small chunks.
4. Find a Social Support Network
Create a group of people around you who want to help you succeed Mentors can be teachers or family friends who can give you guidance and help you develop new skills. Counselors can help you with planning your courses and starting to explore colleges. You can also reach out to friends and peers who can motivate you by listening and sharing ideas.
5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments
 Give yourself a quick reward when you complete an assignment or task. Take a walk, send an email, get a snack. Then move on to the next project.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Red Hot Chili Peppers <33

Student Success Statement:John Wooden

Student Success Statement
“The Three Nevers”
Ø Never Lie
Ø Never Cheat
Ø Never Steal
John Wooden
Reflection: Well Mr. Wooden has a valid argument but what if you have to because you have no options, you need to only do all of that when deemed extremely necessary. You need to take a step back and review your options. Become someone you’re proud of. Do what’s right.

5 Tips for Staying Motivated; Tips 1-2

5 Tips for Staying Motivated
Tips 1-2
To succeed in high school and college, you have to do your best at all times. But sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated, even when you really care about the work you’re doing. Here are five ways to stay on the right track.
1.  Focus on High-Impact Activities
The key to success in school is staying focused on your course work. Make a list to get an overall picture of your workload before you start to tackle any of it. Then, make a plan. Although it’s tempting to do the simplest of assignments first, those that take more time and effort to accomplish are probably the ones that you’ll learn the most from.
To determine what your priorities are, rank your assignments in the order of their importance. Then rearrange your time and devote more energy toward those that have the greatest impact on your course work and grades. For example, even though all homework assignments are important, studying for a midterm exam takes priority over writing a paragraph for English class. As you complete each task, think of it as another step on your way to college success.
2.  Create New Challenges
Changing your approach can help you stay interested in what you’re doing. If you’ve been given an assignment similar to one you’ve done in the past, think about it in a different way. If you wrote an essay for a creative writing assignment last year, try a poem this time. For book reports, pick a historical book instead of another bibliography.