
Friday, February 15, 2013

Student Success Statement: Sean Covey

Student Success Statement
 “So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the ‘in-group,’ we lose sight of things that are far more important.”
Sean Covey
Reflection: Mr. Covey is saying that when you try too hard to become someone you’re not you will lose sight of who you really are and what you want in life. You end up losing yourself so to speak. It makes you forget what you were like, what dreams you had because they had been corrupted by others tell you what to do, how to dress, speak etc. It makes you forget and lose yourself, so always be true to yourself. Have your own ideas and opinions don’t try and be someone you’re not be proud of who you are.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens: Habit 5

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 5
Habit 5: Seek First to understand, and then to be Understood
Because most people don’t listen very well, one of the great frustrations in life is that many don’t feel understood. This habit will ensure your teen learns the most important communication skill there is: active listening.
Why is this habit the key to communication? It’s because the deepest need of the human heart is to be understood. Everyone wants to be respected and valued for who they are—a unique, one-of-a-kind, never-to-be-cloned individual. People won’t expose their soft middles unless they feel genuine love and understanding. Once they feel it, however they will tell you more than you may want to hear. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Listen with your eyes, heart and ears. 7 percent of                   communication is contained in the words we use. The rest comes from body language (53 percent) and how we say words, or the tone and feeling reflected in our voice (40 percent).                                                      Most people are eager to talk and had rather talk than listen. We have one mouth and two ears. This means we should listen twice as much as we talk. We actually listen and listen to learn. Listen, really listen, for understanding.                                                                           Seek first to understand then to be understood—LISTEN.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Habit 4

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Habit 4
Habit 4. Think Win-Win
Teens can learn to foster the belief that it is possible to create an atmosphere of Win-Win in every relationship. This habit encourages the idea that in any given discussion or situation both parties can arrive at a mutual beneficial solution. Your teen will learn to celebrate the accomplishments of others instead of being threatened by them. Win-Win is a belief that everyone can win. It’s both nice and tough all at once. I won’t step on you, but I won’t be your doormat either. You care about other people and you want them to succeed. But you also care about yourself, and you want to succeed as well. Win-Win is abundant. It is the belief that there’s plenty of success to go around. It’s not either you or me. It’s both of us. It’s not a matter of who gets the biggest piece of the pie. There’s more than enough food for everyone. It’s an all you can eat buffet.
Win-win always creates more. Perhaps the most surprising benefit of thinking Win-Win is the good feeling it bring on. The true test of whether or not you are thinking Win-Win or one of the alternatives is how you feel. Win-Lose and Lose-Win thinking will cloud your judgment and fill you with negative feelings.
Win- Win will fill your heart with happy and serene thoughts. It will give you confidence. Even fill you with light. Think Win-Win or no deal.


Kindness is when you are nice to someone like Itzel when she painted my nails . Or when you open the door for someone in the hallways. I promise to be more kind by listening and showing empathy in whatever I do.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Student Success Statement: Ezra T. Benson

Student Success Statement
“You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible”
Ezra T. Benson
Reflection: What Mr. Benson was trying to get across was that when you do what’s wrong you won’t feel good. You won’t feel like you’ve done anything worthy you’ll be low. The guilt will in this sense consume you, it will make you feel bad. When you were younger did you not feel bad immediately after you did something you were not supposed to? It made you think about how bad your mom\dad would feel about what you did, it’s called regret. When you regret something it’s because you know it was wrong and you did wrong.  

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens: Habit 3

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 3
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit three is about Will and Will Not power. This habit helps teens prioritize and manage their time so that they focus on and complete the most important things in their lives. Putting first things first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult times. It’s living life according to what matters most. Putting first things first deals with things that are:                                         Important or not important, urgent or not urgent. Let’s look at the four quadrants of time management.                                                                     Quadrant 1: Things that are Important and Urgent                                             Quadrant 2: Things that are Important but not Urgent                                      Quadrant 3: Things that are Not Important but are Urgent                                 Quadrant 4: Things that are Not Important and Not Urgent
1. Important & Urgent
2. Important but not Urgent
3. Not Important but are Urgent
4. Not Important and Not Urgent

Quadrant 2 is the ideal place to spend our time, doing things that are important but not urgent. Here’s where priorities come into play. The results for living Quadrant 2 are:
1.  Control your life
2. Balance
3. High Performance
So, in what quadrant are you spending most of your time? The key is to shift as much time as possible into quadrant 2 and this is accomplished by planning. Spend more time planning and incorporating the most important things first, things that matter most. Keep your eyes on the prize and reach for it.


Well respect is the way you act toward others, it  is when you say listen to what they say not judging or being mean. It lets you be nice to someone and their property. To show that you are a good person. Like AMPM , too much good stuff .

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Student Success Statement: Og Mandino

Student Success Statement “The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is—‘I will form good habits and become their slaves.’ ”
Og Mandino
Reflection:  All Mr. Mandino was trying to get across was if you have bad habit ultimately you will fail. As your habits become good and you try to do well you will have a good habits. You need to understand that good habits make you succeed they shape your work ethic, yourself worth, your view on other things. It makes you think that if you want to fail, your habits will show it. Put yourself in high gear gain an achievement of sorts, have good habits to gain good results.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens: Habit 2

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 2
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
If teens aren’t clear about where they want to end up in life, about their values, goals, and what they stand for, they will wander, waste time, and be tossed to and fro by the opinions of others. Help your teen create a personal mission statement which will act as a road map and direct and guide his decision-making process.
“Keep your eyes on the prize.” Determine your desired prize and don’t quit until you have realized the achievement of your prize. Then set another prize, another goal or desire that you would really like to achieve. Begin with the achievement of your prize in mind. Visualize and then realize. Start by having a target in mind; know where you are going.
One prize or goal you definitely need to establish for yourself is the prize of an honorable graduation from high school-that you will receive your diploma honestly and with integrity—that you earned it with perfect honesty.


Basic Skills

Step 1: Express interest and concern for others, especially when they are having problems.

  • Rationale : when you help others they are more likely to help you.
  • Helpful Hints : If you see someone in trouble, ask if you can  help.
Sometimes, just showing you care is enough to help a person get through a difficult time.

Step 2: Recognize that disabled people deserve the same respect as anyone else.
  • Rationale: A disability does not make a person inferior. Helping people with disabilities without ridiculing or patronizing them shows that you believe all people are equal, although some people need a little extra assistance.
  • Helpful Hints: Be ready to help a disabled person when needed by doing such things as holding open a door, carrying a package, giving up your seat. 
Don't stare at a disabled people or make comments about their special needs.

Step 3: Apologize or make amends for hurting someone's feelings or causing harm.
  • Rationale: Saying you're sorry shows that you can take responsibility for your actions and can admit when you've done something wrong.
  • Helpful Hints: You can harm someone by what you fail to do, just as easily as what you can do. Some examples are breaking a promise or not sticking up for someone who is being picked on.
If you hurt someone, apologize immediately and sincerely. 

Step 4: Recognize that people of different races, religions, and backgrounds deserve to be treated the same was as you would expect to be treated.
  • Rationale: Treating others equally shows that although people are different, you believe that it shouldn't matter in the ways you treat them. 
  • Helpful Hints: Don't make jokes and rude comments about the color of someone's skin or what he or she believes.
 Sine people have different customs for doing things. Some people have more money than others. No matter, all people should be treated the same.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Student Success Statement: Elaine Maxwell

Student Success Statement
“Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force”
Elaine Maxwell
Reflection: Basically all Mr. Maxwell was trying to get across was he wants people to know you can’t blame other people for your mistakes you can only blame yourself you cannot let someone else be the source of your own choices, it is up to you whether you study or don’t, whether you choose to succeed or leave it to someone else. When you allow someone to take the blame it begins to start a trail of misbelief and sorrows it makes the other person prone to being used as a punching bag to your misconception. You have to man up take responsibility and do what’s right for yourself.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens Habit 1

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 1
(by Sean Covey but Modified)
Habit 1: Be Proactive.
Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits. Help your teen take control and responsibility for her life. Proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own happiness or unhappiness. They don’t blame others for their own actions or feelings. Proactive people realize that the ball is in their court, that they are the captain of their own ship: that they are in control, control of their decisions, thoughts, choices, decisions, goals, actions, and priorities. Proactive people are self-starters; they don’t wait to be told what to do, they press forward with enthusiasm toward the achievement of their assignment, their duties, their responsibilities, their obligations. Choosing to do what is right is a proactive decision. Obey the rules. Obey the law. Obey the coach. Obey the school policies. Obey your parents. Obey with exactness, and great things will come to you. Be Proactive and take the initiative.